Saturday, July 25, 2015



before we begin let's get in some relevant Hebrew vocabulary so that we are advancing our Hebraic education in every circumstance

Ge4oMe9ReYaH גיאומטריה
HeQeF הקף

Area of a rectangle=L × W
Volume of a rectangle=L × W × D
Area of a square=side^2
Volume of a cube=side^3
Perimeter of a rectangle=add all sides
Area of a triangle=base × height ÷ 2

A pyramid is a three-dimensional shape made of four sides that suit atop a rectangular base.

Volume of a pyramid=bh ÷ 3

Finding the volume of a pyramid is just like finding the volume of a rectangle or cube except you divide by three. Why do you divide by three? Because a pyramid is a cube with three as it's strength instead of 4.

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